Project Kids
Gaming • Travel • Culture
Project Kids was created by Emily Moyer and Michael Wann as a way use to our skills and experiences to understand and create multiple alternate realities. We learn to do this by "playing the glass bead game." This is where you will find a record of our endeavors. Enjoy!
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PTGBG 9: Sniffing Out The Wellspring Of Synchronicity
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The Heaviside Layer | PTGBG | Elementary School w/ Professor Baldersdon

Alchemist Professor Balderson joins the class to wrap-up our strange months long dive into Hydrogen. We have decide to make all of Ben's visits free to the Rokfin & Locals community. If you enjoy this content, please become a supporter anywhere the Glass Bead Game is played. ;)

PTGBG is available here:
(Glass Bead Gamer level includes hundreds of hours of of synchromystic deep dives with the PK/PTGBG crew as well as all of my personal content and group activities

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use the Promo Code - PKLOVESYOU
for a free month of Project Kids, PTGBG and Cenote content.

Orientation | PTGBG | Elementary School

“Exploring The Periodic Table : Proof or Truth“

w/ Alchemist Ben Balderson

Topics Include:

  • How we got here: fusion vs fission
  • Access to power: both external and internal
  • Making the case for exploring the periodic table
  • The world works like a galvanic cell battery
       - anode (negative) and cathode (positive)
       - as anode degrades, a particle breaks apart (fission); then an electron jumps to the cathode
       - mercurial plasma creates a field
       - now this cathode has an extra electron and thus has a negative charge
       - a positive ion gets pulled to it and thus becomes whole (fusion)
  • Christian vs Heathen models
  • Ken Wheeler
  • The All….which splits into two, masculine and feminine
       - The All Father and The All Mother
       - masculine-stable-material; feminine-unstable-immaterial
       - unstoppable force and the immovable object
  • Heathen Cosmogony recap
  • Tenet and palindromes
  • Spagyric alchemy
  • Polarized against yourself
  • Elements: atomic structure, only focused on ...
We Live In a Hall of Mirrors | The Melt | Joe Prystupa (w/guest host Emily Moyer) (FREE FIRST HOUR)

I know this is doesn't have to do with project kids but I need to watch my resources and I'm not subscribed to your personal page but I saw that name of the new Australian Open woman tennis champion and this came into my conscience like a flash of light. Aryna Siarhiejeŭna Sabalenka or The Aryans dressed (Saree) or vailed Arjuna in (SorC)abala of the soul or life force (Ka). Your esoteric tennis is just fire!!!!!

Merry Christmas Dear Friends

We thank you for being part of our journey and look forward to wherever the path leads us next. Enjoy the day with loved ones. We'll see you soon. :)

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